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ECFA - Euroean Children's Film AssociationJunge Filmszene im Bundesverband Jugend und Film e.V.
Contacts for Young Filmmakers all around Europe

International Festivals for Young Filmmakers

Plural + Youth Video Festival

New York, USA
No date available
Rhythm: annual, next Festival afterwards (probably): Late 2024

Competitive Original Children's Film Festival
Deadline for film entries: 31.05.2024 (dd.mm.yyyy)
Programs: Films made by children/young people
Festival's recognition: international
Notes/description: Film competition for young people between 9 and 25 years old. The event is not a festival, but an award ceremony held in New York in December.

United Nations – Alliance of Civilizations
730 Third Avenue, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10017 USA

Internet: http://pluralplus.unaoc.org/

you-film - Network for Young Filmmakers © ECFA / BJF 2024

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