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ECFA - Euroean Children's Film AssociationJunge Filmszene im Bundesverband Jugend und Film e.V.
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International Festivals for Young Filmmakers

Festivals Sorted by Date

Transilvania International Film Festival

Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu, Mures, Romania
13.06.2025 - 22.06.2025 (dd.mm.yyyy)
Rhythm: annual, next Festival afterwards (probably): May/June 2026

Non-Competitive Children's Film Section
Deadline for film entries: 01.02.2025 (dd.mm.yyyy)
Programs: Features
Number of films (app.): 6
Festival's recognition: national
Media coverage: national
Notes/description: EducaTIFF is the media & literacy programme for young audiences at the Transilvania International Film Festival. EducaTIFF premiered in 2009 with the aim to (re)light the passion of young and very young people for the great magic machinery called cinema, and to influence the first important steps towards a consistent school curriculum for media literacy in Romania.
By developing EducaTIFF, TIFF is committed to foster a literate children and teenagers cinema audience in Romania, and has firmly enlisted alongside other similar European projects.

Romanian Film Promotion
Popa Soare street, no. 52
Bucharest 2

Phone: ++4 021 326 6480
Fax: ++4 021 326 0268
Internet: http://www.tiff.ro/educatiff

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