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ECFA - Euroean Children's Film AssociationJunge Filmszene im Bundesverband Jugend und Film e.V.
Contacts for Young Filmmakers all around Europe

International Festivals for Young Filmmakers

Festivals Sorted by Date

JEF – Europees Jeugdfilmfestival Vlaanderen

Antwerp, Bruges, Ghent, Courtrai, Strombeek-bever, Belgium
23.02.2025 - 09.03.2025 (dd.mm.yyyy)
Rhythm: annual, next Festival afterwards (probably): February/March 2026

Competitive Original Children's Film Festival
Director/s: Iris Verhoeven / Bregt Van Wijnendaele
Prizes: 2 jury prizes, ECFA Award
Deadline for film entries: 31.10.2024 (dd.mm.yyyy)
Programs: Features, Animations, TV Programs, Shorts
Number of films (app.): 90
Age of audience: 4-16 and adults
Number of spectators (app.): 17.000
Average number of journalists: 50
Festival's guests: Directors, Producers, Actors, Distributors
Festival's recognition: local, regional, national, international
Media coverage: local, regional, national, international
Notes/description: The festival takes place in Antwerp and Bruges!

The festival programme consists of the following sections:

In competition:
• European shorts & feature films (age 8 – 12)

Out of competition:
• Programme for young children – European shorts & features (age 3+)
• ExtraJEFF – Additional programme – European shorts and features (age 6 -12)
• Cut the Crap – European shorts & feature films for youngsters (age 12+)

This festival is a member of ECFA

Timmerwerfstraat 40
B-2000 Antwerpen

Phone: ++32-3-3034314
Fax: ++32-3-21 31 492
Internet: http://https://jeffestival.be/en

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