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International Festivals for Young Filmmakers

Festivals Sorted by Date

Kineko International Children's Film Festival Tokyo

Tokyo, Japan
31.10.2024 - 05.11.2024 (dd.mm.yyyy)
Rhythm: annual, next Festival afterwards (probably): November 2025

Competitive Original Children's Film Festival
Director/s: Mitsuo Tahira, Festival Director / E Kou, Programming Director
Prizes: Grand Prix in International Feature Film Category, Grand Prix in International Short Film Category, Grand Prix in Japanese Feature Film Category, Grand Prix in Japanese Short Film Category
Deadline for film entries: 14.07.2024 (dd.mm.yyyy)
Programs: Animations, Shorts, Features
Number of films (app.): 40
Age of audience: 1+
Number of spectators (app.): 130.000
Festival's guests: Directors, Producers, Actors, Distributors, Others
Festival's recognition: national
Media coverage: national
Special Events: Voice over workshops for children; workshops by international animation directors/film professionals; variety of events and activities for children and families.
Notes/description: Founded in 1992, Kineko is the largest international film festival for children in Japan. International films are screened in form of "Live Cinema" - live dubbing on the stage by professional voice actors. International films are judged by children's jury while international jury decides the Grand Prix of the national (Japanese) film competition.

This festival is a member of ECFA

KINEKO International Children's Film Festival office (Kinder Film)
RM 502, No. 5 Fujishoji Bldg. Sakuragaokacho 24-4, Shibuya-ku Tokyo,
Tokyo 151-003 Japan

Phone: ++81-3-6276-3906
Internet: http://https://kineko.jp

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