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International Festivals for Young Filmmakers

The Next Festivals

Fresh Film Festival

Limerick City, Ireland
15.04.2024 - 21.04.2024 (dd.mm.yyyy)
Rhythm: annual, next Festival afterwards (probably): Spring 2025

Director/s: Foley, Jayne
Deadline for film entries: 20.01.2025 (dd.mm.yyyy)
Programs: Films made by children/young people, Workshop for children/young people
Number of films (app.): 200
Festival's recognition: international
Media coverage: national
Notes/description: Fresh Film Festival began in 1997 as the Irish Schools Video Competition, an annual festival to showcase the work of filmmakers under the age of 18 years.
Every year the festival goes from strength to strength, showcasing up to 200 films in a festival season and launching new initiatives under the Fresh umbrella.
Fresh is no longer a festival alone, but provides an annual programme of events in support of young filmmakers in Ireland. Fresh hosts International Film Shares, creates opportunities for filmmakers to travel and network on an international level, provides workshops, produces various showcases and, of course, hosts the Ireland’s Young Filmmaker Awards.
We advocate filming by young people in all genres. Fresh is now a national platform for young aspiring film professionals and those looking for a bit of fun in making short films.

Fresh Film Festival
No. 1 John's Square
Limerick City

Phone: ++ 353 - 61 319 555
Internet: http://https://freshfilm.ie

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